Cities have been changing continuously. Buildings, colours and materials keep transforming. They are deeply connected with the city identities. So, is getting more and more difficult to understand places and their history. Moreover all these elements might be lost, hidden by new constructions. How to preserve colours and materials? How to make useful to everybody?

 Urban Colour Archive is a digital database that allows to manage data and represent them in visual maps. Colours and materials data are collected with analytical tools and organized in different maps, to provide different perceptions of the city. With studied research filters users can find the data that they searched and can visualize them in a new way, easier to understand.

This new tool helps designers and architects to design conscientious projects for the city, from urban planning to city communication.

 In the future Urban Colour Archive will live thanks to users’ help, they will add data and  they will contribute to the project’s progress. It creates a new network between different cities and cultures that can grow being together.